Displate is a leading online marketplace known for its high-quality metal posters featuring designs from artists worldwide. With an innovative magnet mounting system, Displate offers a unique and stylish way to decorate spaces without damaging walls. Their products resonate with a global audience that appreciates art, pop culture, and gaming aesthetics.
Timeline: Jul 2024 - Sep 2024 Campaign
Target Audience (TA): Males and Females aged 25–34 located in the US
and the EU
Client: Displate
Status: Completed
Number of Collaborations: 11 integrations
Geography: North America and the EU
Budget: Medium
Platform & Formats: YouTube integrations of 60–90 seconds with links in the description
A diverse mix of gaming and tech channels
- Notable creators like F4MI, whose short yet soulful
integrations captivated audiences
- Arean, who brought a unique approach to showcasing the products